AReas of specialty

Gay men & LGBTQ+ Adults

Accepting Yourself

Marriage, Relationships, and Dating


Men’s Issues

Anxiety, Worry & Panic

Chronic Worry

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

Panic Disorder

Social Anxiety

Health Anxiety (formerly Hypochondria)

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Fear of Driving

Fear of Flying

Anxiety & Worry in the LGBTQ+ Community

Many LGBTQ+ adults experience anxiety, stress and worry. Things are better for the LGBTQ+ community than a few years ago, yes. But we still have a long way to go. LGBTQ+ adults have to worry about being accepted in our community, family or workplace.

Maybe things are good for you now in terms of being LGBTQ+, but you find yourself thinking about painful memories of bullying or coming out. Maybe being in the closet for so long took a toll on you.

You may be having anxiety about dating, or if you can succeed at a relationship if you are LGBTQ+ (hint: you can!).

Talking about these issues with a therapist is an important step in your journey.


Phone: (602) 842-2791‬